Monday, March 16, 2015

Oracle Project Manager Reporting Pack

A reporting pack consists of a set of report templates and named recipients by project role. The reporting pack \
concurrent program uses the report templates to generate reports and distribute these reports to the recipients by e-mail

The report template controls the content and layout of the report output. In addition, each report is subject to the parameters that your system administrator defines when scheduling the reporting pack concurrent program

Oracle Projects provides the following predefined data definition file and predefined report templates:
  • Reporting Pack Data Definition File. This file contains XML tags for performance measures and for the layout of these measures on reports. You use these tags to create your own report templates.

  • Project Change Document Report. This report displays all change orders in a project that are not in cancelled or closed status. The report groups change orders by type such as customer-initiated or internal, and displays the impact of these change orders on to-date budget amounts.

  • Project Committed Cost Report. This report displays purchase orders, purchase requisitions, and supplier invoices by vendors since inception of the project. Commitments are grouped by vendor and commitment status.

  • Project Cost Detail Report. This report displays cost transactions by expenditure type, expenditure type class, and tasks for a specified range of dates.

  • Project Cost Labor Report. This report displays for labor (employee and contingent worker) the planned and actual hours, cost and cost per hour information for a range of periods such as a week or month. The report groups cost by task and person type, or by task and project roles or employees. You can also use this report to view information by job and expenditure type.

  • Project Cost Summary Report. This report displays information on budgets, actual costs, cost to complete, and forecasted cost at completion, as well as variances between budget and actual cost amounts. Cost is grouped by period, top tasks, expenditure categories, or by top tasks and expenditure categories. The report displays period-to-date and inception-to-date information, which can be used to analyze cost trends.

  • Project Earned Value Report. This report displays data and trends for key earned value metrics for the project and by tasks. The application uses metrics that are based on ANSI 748 standards and calculates earned value for data that is available since the inception of the project.

  • Project Financial Summary Report. This report displays budgets, receivables, open commitments, collections, and earned value data.

  • Project Forecast Summary Report. This report displays time-phased actual and forecast amounts by tasks for revenue and cost forecasts. You can use this report to analyze forecast, budget, and actual cost, revenue and margin trends.

  • Project Revenue At Risk Report. This report displays revenue that is at risk because of insufficient funding. Insufficient funding may occur as a result of delay in securing contracts, or due to continuation of work beyond expiration of the contract or beyond billing limits. The report displays revenue amounts summarized at the project level and then listed by task.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Oracle Project Resource Management

Manage Project Resources: Overview

Resource managers use the Manage Project Resources web page for  business process to manage the availability and staffing of project enterprise labor resources in a global environment, fulfill project resource requests, and monitor resource utilization. The Manage Project Resources in oracle project Resource Management is used in conjunction with the Plan Project and Execute Project business processes in Oracle Project Management.
The following diagram illustrates the flow of business activities in the Manage Project Resources business process.
Manage Project Resources business process flow.

The following table provides a high level summary of the tasks in each activity in the Manage Project Resources business process.

Summary of Tasks
Manage Resource Demand
Submit requests for resources to work on project assignments. Specify request details including the requested dates, qualifications and proficiencies, keywords, and the project role. Automatically notify the resource manager of open project resource requests. Cancel and withdraw project resource requests. Monitor open project resource requests to ensure that the requests are fulfilled in a timely manner.
Manage Resource Supply
Establish a supply of project enterprise labor resources and manage the availability and staffing of the resources. Maintain key resource information for each resource, including the resource calendar, cost and bill rates, resume attachment, and resource pool membership.
Evaluate and Assign Resources
Receive open project resource requests and find resources to assign to projects. Search for resources from resource pools to fulfill the requests. Evaluate the suitability of resources to fulfill a request based on how each resource meets the requested qualifications and proficiencies. Evaluate the available capacity of resources to fulfill a request over the requested date range. Filter the results based on qualifications, available capacity, location, and project role. Compare a selected subset of resources in detail. Review project assignments and nonproject events for resources. Add prospective candidates to a shortlist. Modify search criteria and review results. Propose a resource to fulfill a request and automatically notify the project manager to review the resource for approval.
Maintain Resource Assignments
Review assignments for resources and projects. Add descriptive assignment information. Cancel project assignments. Change project assignment dates. Submit project assignment cancellations and date changes for review and approval to the project manager.
Manage Resource Utilization and Analytics
Navigate the resource pool hierarchy to view summarized utilization information by resource pool. Drill down to review detailed utilization information for a resource pool and pool members. Compare projected and target utilization percentages over a selected display range and analyze the details about resource project assignments and nonproject events. Import resource actual hours and compare actual and target utilization percentages over a selected display range. Track resources that are currently unassigned or have assignments that end soon. Review open project resource requests. Create reports to analyze resource supply, demand, and assignments.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How to Determine Latest Patch Edition in ORACLE ERP

1. Determine the patch edition.
— Connect as apps
sqlplus apps
set linesize 1024
col OLD for a10
col run for a20
col patch for a30
select apps.ad_zd.get_edition(‘OLD’) “OLD”,
apps.ad_zd.get_edition(‘RUN’) “RUN”,
apps.ad_zd.get_edition(‘PATCH’) “PATCH”
from dual;

2. To Identify Invalid Objects

select count(*) from dba_objects where status=’INVALID';

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Oracle Project Billing ( Revenue and Invoicing) Accounting transactions

Oracle Project Billing Features and Accounting Entries

Oracle Project Billing provides you with the ability to define revenue and invoicing rules for your projects, generate revenue, create invoices, and integrate with other

Oracle Applications to process revenue and invoices. Oracle Project Billing also integrates with Oracle Receivables.

Oracle Project Billing enables you to perform the following functions:
• Enter project customers and contacts with whom you have negotiated and
contracted project work
• Enter agreements (contracts) from your customers and fund projects with those
• Generate revenue using various methods including time and materials, percent complete
 and cost plus
• Create draft invoices from detail transactions and milestones for online approval by
 your project or  accounting managers
• Generate revenue accounting events and create accounting in
Oracle Subledger Accounting
• Report project revenue, invoice, and receivables status online and in reports

Examples of how accounting transactions for Revenue and Invoicing in Projects

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Oracle Project Burdening

Burdening ( Oracle Projects)

Burdening (also known as cost plus processing) is a method of calculating burden costs by applying one or more burden cost components to the raw cost amount of each individual transaction.

Burden Calculation formula

Burden Cost = Raw Cost x Burden Multiplier
Total Burdened Cost = Raw Cost + Burden Cost

Process of Burdening in Oracle