Monday, October 17, 2011

Data Derivation for Auto Invoice

1. Date Derivation In AutoInvoice: How It Works
During the process of AutoInvoice you can enter the General Ledger (GL) date and the Transaction date for a particular transaction explicitly in the relevant columns of the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table or you can allow the AutoInvoice process to derive the dates.If the dates are provided, AutoInvoice will typically use them. There are a few scenarios where dates cannot be provided as input parameters; these scenarios are discussed in section 2.e titled GL Date Validation.If the dates are not provided, they will be derived. Date Derivation of the General Ledger date and Transaction date during the process of AutoInvoice depends on the following:
1. The columns that are populated in the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table, namely
2. Selection of the Derive Date Option in the Accounting Information Tab of the Transaction Sources window.3. Whether or not Invoicing Rules and Accounting Rules are used.4. Setting of the GL Date in a Closed Period option in the AutoInvoice Options tab of the particular Transaction Batch Source.5. Default Date entered while submitting the AutoInvoice Program.Once imported as a transaction in receivables, the GL date used by AutoInvoice is stored in the table.column: RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL.GL_DATE.

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