11i Payment Documents Do not Exist in R12--How to create the payment documents from 11i data
Custom Payment Document.
Payment documents that existed in 11i (in table AP_CHECK_STOCKS_ALL) do not exist after the R12 upgrade ( table affected: CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS).
There are two reasons.
1) These payment documents (ap_checks_stocks_all) had custom payment formats assigned to them in 11i. During the upgrade, custom payment formats were not upgraded to IBY_FORMATS_B. So when the CE upgrade script cebuinst.sql was run to create ce_payment_documents from ap_check_stocks_all, only those payment documents that had formats that existed in IBY_FORMATS_B were upgraded. Hence these payment documents do not exist in R12 CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS table.
The document below provides solution for this issue.
2) The other reason is upgrade did not bring in payment documents related to payment method WIRE or ELECTRONIC. This is fixed in bug 12794944. To fix this for future upgrade, apply Patch:12651338. For existing upgraded instance, log a SR for datafix.
To create the records in CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS, the custom format should be created in R12. Do the following:
1. Create corresponding rtf template for the custom rdf format in ap_check_formats that was used in 11i.
From Payables responsibility, navigate to Setup/Payments/Payment Administrator
Payments Setup/Formats/XML Publisher Format Templates
Click on Create Template
2. Register the rtf template in Xml Publisher using XDO administrator resp
3. Define Payment Format (corresponding to ap_payment_program) in Oracle Payments.
From Payables responsibility, navigate to Setup/Payments/Payment Administrator
Payments Steup/Formats/Formats
Select Type: Disbursement Payment Instruction
Click on Create
Enter details and save.
This should create a record in IBY_FORMATS_B
4. Associate this new rtf template to the format.
5. Using sqlplus, associate the IBY_FORMATS_B with ap payment program via reference_format_code column.
To determine the ap Payment Program name to associate with the new IBY format created, do the following.
a) Determine the format payment program used by the 11i format.
Select format_payments_program_id
from ap_check_formats
where name = '&11i format name';
Note down the result.
Select format_payments_program_id
from ap_check_formats
where name = 'Long Check Format'
b) Determine the program name relevant to this program id.
select program_name from ap_payment_programs
where program_id = &id; ---> Id returned in previous sql.
select program_name from ap_payment_programs
where program_id = 10002;
c) Now associate this short program_name to the R12 IBY format created in step 3.
SET Reference_format_code = '<ap program name>'
WHERE format_code = '<Format_Code of Format created using IBY UI in step 3>'
and reference_format_code is null;
SET Reference_format_code = 'APXPBFEG'
WHERE format_code = '<Format_Code of Format created using IBY UI in step 3>'
and reference_format_code is null;
6. Execute the upgrade script ibypaydocupg.sql in Patch:6677057:R12.IBY.A
to create payment documents in CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS table.
For 12.1, please use Patch:8942413:R12.IBY.B
Note: Documentation Bug:6748050 has been logged to include this information in the implementation guide. This bug is not visible via Metalink.
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