Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Difference between GL Transfer Program, Create Accounting and Submit Accounting

What's the difference between General Ledger Transfer Program, Create Accounting and Submit Accounting?

In Release 12, the General Ledger Transfer Program is no longer used.
Use Create Accounting or Submit Accounting instead.
Submit Accounting spawns the Revenue Recognition Process.
The Create Accounting program does not.
So if you create transactions with rules, then you would want to run Submit Accounting Process
to spawn Revenue Recognition to create the distribution rows, which Create Accounting is then spawned to process to the GL.
Create Accounting
Submit Accounting
Short Name for Concurrent Program
Specific to Receivables
Runs Revenue Recognition automatically
Can be run real-time for one Transaction/Receipt at a time
Spawns the following Programs
1) XLAACCPB module: Create Accounting
2) XLAACCUP module: Accounting Program
3) GLLEZL module: Journal Import
1) ARTERRPM module: Revenue Recognition Master Program
2) ARTERRPW module: Revenue Recognition with parallel workers - could be numerous
3) ARREVSWP - Revenue Contingency Analyzer
4) XLAACCPB module: Create Accounting
5) XLAACCUP module: Accounting Program
5) GLLEZL module: Journal Import
Keep in mind, Reports owned by application 'Subledger Accounting' cannot be seen when running the report from Receivables responsibility.
You may want to request your sysadmin to attach the following SLA reports/programs to your AR responsibility as you will need these for your AR closing process:
XLAPEXRPT : Subledger Period Close Exception Report - shows transactions in status final, incomplete and unprocessed.
XLAGLTRN : Transfer Journal Entries to GL - transfers transactions in final status and manually created transactions to GL
To add reports/programs owned by application 'Subledger Accounting' (Subledger Period Close Exception Report and Transfer Journal Entries to GL_
Add to the request group as follows:
Let's use Subledger Accounting Report XLATBRPT: Open Account Balances Listing Report as an example.
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Security > Responsibility > Define
Query the name of your Receivables Responsibility and note the Request Group (ie. Receivables All)
Navigation: Security > Responsibility > Request
Query the Request Group
Go to Request Zone and Click on Add Record
Enter the following:
Type: Program
Name: Open Account Balances Listing
Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Control > Requests > Run
In the list of values you should now see 'Open Account Balances Listing' report
Note: 748999.1 How to add reports for application subledger accounting to receivables responsibiilty
Note: 759534.1 R12 ARGLTP General Ledger Transfer Program Errors Out
Note: 1121944.1 Understanding and Troubleshooting Revenue Recognition in Oracle Receivables

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