Saturday, February 14, 2015

Oracle Project Accounting Month End Close Process

1. Clear all the transactions from Interface tables
2. Import them
3. Run all the Expenditures (PRC, Interface processes) make sure none of the expenditures are not accounted
4. Run Borrow and Lent process if any, Transfer to GL
5. Run Revenue Process, make sure revenue is generated, accounted
6. Review the revenue draft versions created, make sure all revenue draft versions are released
7. INterface revenue to GL, then later Tie back process
8. Run the Invoicing process
9. Make sure to Approve, release all the Invoices in draft version
10. Interface to AR ( ensure that none of the records are in error)
11. Auto Invoice Import in AR
12. Tieback process in PA
13. run Exc: Transaction Exception details by GL Period/ PA period , Exc: Transaction Exception summary by GL Period/ PA Period
14. Make sure the report output on step 13 are blank, if yes try to clear all the transactions and re run the reports
15. Now try closing the period

1 comment:

  1. How to clear all the transactions? The one that you mentioned in the first step.
